This Whistleblower Protection Policy applies to all of the ECAD staff, whether full-time, part-time, or temporary employees, to all volunteers, to all who provide contract services, and to all officers and directors, each of whom shall be entitled to protection.
Reporting Credible Information
A protected person shall be encouraged to report information relating to illegal practices or violations of policies of ECAD (a “Violation”) that such person in good faith has reasonable cause to believe is credible. Information shall be reported to the Executive Director, unless the report relates to the Executive Director, in which case the report shall be made to the Board of Directors which shall be responsible to provide an alternative procedure.
Anyone reporting a Violation must act in good faith, and have reasonable grounds for believing that the information shared in the report indicates that a Violation has occurred.
Investigating Information.
The Executive Director shall promptly investigate each such report and prepare a written report to the Board of Directors. In connection with such investigation all persons entitled to protection shall provide the Executive Director with credible information. All actions of the Executive Director in receiving and investigating the report and additional information shall endeavor to protect the confidentiality of all persons entitled to protection.
The Organization encourages anyone reporting a Violation to identify himself or herself when making a report in order to facilitate the investigation of the Violation. However, reports may be submitted anonymously filling out a “Whistleblower Reporting Form” and mailing it to ECAD. Reports of Violations or suspected Violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, with the understanding that confidentiality may not be maintained where identification is required by law or in order to enable the Organization or law enforcement to conduct an adequate investigation.
Protection From Retaliation.
No person entitled to protection shall be subjected to retaliation, intimidation, harassment, or other adverse action for reporting information in accordance with this Policy. Any person entitled to protection who believes that he or she is the subject of any form of retaliation for such participation should immediately report the same as a violation of and in accordance with this Policy.
Any individual within the Organization who retaliates against another individual who has reported a Violation in good faith or who, in good faith, has cooperated in the investigation of a Violation is subject to discipline, including termination of employment or volunteer status.