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Your Monthly Gift Matters

Your monthly donation is a commitment to social change and alleviating limitations and stress for real people in hard situations. The clients that get paired with ECAD Service Dogs are working toward increased mobility and independence.

Every monthly gift of $5, $15, $50 or more, helps us train more Service Dogs for those who need them to achieve greater independence. 

Our dogs are taught to retrieve items, open doors, activate light switches, pull wheelchairs, balance, brace, and perform many other highly specialized tasks. At ECAD, we tailor each dog's skills to the needs of our Clients, who have a variety of limitations in strength, balance, coordination, or mobility. Clients include veterans and children with autism as well as those with other disabilities.

Become a monthly donor and help dogs who help humans every month.


Our secure online donation form allows you to enter the amount you’d like to give each month. It also provides all the information you need to set up pre-authorized payments via your bank account or credit card.